• Invited Talk: A. Gkikoudi, Why humans can handle high levels of terrestrial natural radiation better than space radiation: insights from evolution, European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW) 2024, Rome, Italy, 11-15 November 2024
  • Invited Talk: A. Gkikoudi, Radiobiological effects of protons or gamma rays and UVB radiation on human cells, 2nd Panhellenic Congress of Medicak Physics, Athens, Greece, 4-6 October 2024
  • Poster: M. Zadehrafi, M-R Ioan, Implications of cosmic rays and solar UV-radiation for Earth’s biosphere, National Conference of the Romanian Radioprotection Society (SRRp), Bucharest, Romania, 17 October 2024
  • Invited Talk: V. Pierrard, Space Weather and its impact on Earth, Science Café, Nijmegen (Netherlands), 13 November 2024
  • Poster: M. Péters de Bonhome, F. Bacchini, V. Pierrard, Advancing understanding of solar wind acceleration: A systematic approach with new Parker Solar Probe observations and kinetic modeling European Space Weather Week ESWW2024, Coimbra, Portugal, 4-9 November 2024.
  • Poster: A. Winant, V. Pierrard, E.Botek, K. Herbts, Latitudinal and seasonal variations in Cosmic Ray Induced Ionization and Radiation Dose rates caused by changes in atmospheric density, European Space Weather Week ESWW2024, Coimbra, Portugal, 4-9 November 2024.
  • Poster: V. Pierrard, A. Winant, E. Botek, M. Péters de Bonhome, F. Krasniqi, Effects of the geomagnetic storm of 11 May 2024 on the radiation belts, ionosphere and ozone in the atmosphere, European Space Weather Week ESWW2024, Coimbra, Portugal, 4-9 November 2024.
  • Poster:  A. Al Qaaod, F. Krasniqi, V. Pierrard, , and A. Papayannis, G. Tsaknakis, V. Finta, M. Mylonaki, The Effects of Atmospheric Parameters on Cosmic Muon Measurements Using the Novel Portable Detector DECOS2, 9th Roma International Conference on Astroparticle Physics in Rome (RICAP-2024), Roma, Italy, Sep 23 – 27, 2024
  • Talk: Lionel Doppler, David Bolsée, Lionel Van Laeken, Benjamin Rapp, Amer Al-Qaaod, and Faton Krasniqi, The project EURAMET BIOSPHERE, instrumentation development and atmospheric measurements, EMS 2024, 2 September 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Invited Talk: V. Pierrard, Interactions between space particles and the terrestrial upper atmosphere, Switch to Space: Space for a saver world, 2 October 2024, Belgian Parliament in Brussels
  • Poster: Gidarakou, M., et al., Characterization of fresh and aged biomass burning aerosols during 2023 forest fires in Greece, 31st International Laser Radar Conference, 24-24 June 2024, Landshut, Germany. (download here)
  • Poster: Papayannis, A., et al., Intense dust transport event over Athens, Greece, during the BIOSPHERE Campaign Summer 2023: Aerosol profiling in relation to ground UV-B levels, 31st International Laser Radar Conference, 24-24 June 2024, Landshut, Germany. (download here)
  • F. S. Krasniqi, B. Rapp, D. Bolsée, A. Dorn, A. Georgakilas, and V. Pierrard, Metrology for Earth Biosphere: Cosmic rays, ultraviolet radiation and fragility of ozone shield, workshop of the International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM) 1st CIPM STG-CENV, BIPM Sèvres (France), 16 -18 September 2024.
  • Invited Talk: Pierrard V., Links between the cold plasmaspheric plasma and the energetic particles of the radiation belts, National Astronomy Meeting, 14 – 19 July 2024, Hull, UK
  • Poster: Winant A. , V. Pierrard, E. Botek, Latitudinal and seasonal changes in atmosphere lead to variations in cosmic ray induced ionization and radiation dose rates, annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, VUB, Brussels, May 29 2024.
  • Poster: M. Péters de Bonhome, V. Pierrard, A. Winant and E. Botek, Advancing understanding of solar wind acceleration: A systematic approach with new Parker Solar Probe observations and kinetic modeling, annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, VUB, Brussels, May 29 2024.
  • Poster: V. Pierrard, A. Winant, M. Péters de Bonhome, and E. Botek, Project Biosphere: Study the Effects of the Solar and Cosmic Radiation on the Terrestrial Atmosphere, annual Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, VUB, Brussels, May 29 2024.
  • Talk: D. Bolsée and A. Winant, BIOSPHERE, an EURAMET project to assess the effect of atmospheric ionization induced by extraterrestrial radiation on the Earth's biosphere, World Metrology Day, SCKCEN Mol, Belgium, May 24 2024.
  • Invited Talk: Viviane Pierrard, Alexandre Winant, Edith Botek, and Jean-François Ripoll, Multi-point Observations of the Plasmasphere, Radiation Belts and Other Regions of the Magnetosphere, URSI, Gran Canaria, Spain, 19-24 May 2024.
  • Talk: Carlos Granja, Herve Chanal, Wide field-of-view mapping of cosmic rays with high-resolution spectral tracking and enhanced resolving power by miniaturized stacked pixel telescope, 18th INTEGRAL/BART WORKSHOP, Cheb, Czech Republ, 13-17 May 2024.
  • Invited Talk: Pierrard V., Heating and acceleration of the solar wind, course at the 1st ESPD (European Solar Physics Division) summer school, Dubrovnik, 30 April to 4 May, 2024.
  • Poster: Pierrard V., Péters de Bonhome M., Evolution of the solar wind from the corona to the heliosphere, DKIST/PSP/SoLO Science meeting, San Antonio, USA, April 7-12, 2024.
  • Invited Talk: Pierrard V., Péters de Bonhome M., Origin of the Solar Wind: Acceleration by Ambipolar Electric Field, AIAC 21st Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Turin, Italy, 25-29 March 2024.
  • Poster: Winant A., Pierrard V., Goosse H., The Atmospheric Influence on Cosmic-Ray-Induced Ionization and Absorbed Dose Rates, Chaire Lemaitre, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 6 March 2024.
  • Invited talk: Dorn A., Multi-particle imaging techniques for studying electron and positron impact ionization, 76th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC 2023), Ann Arbor, USA, 9th October 2023
  • Talk: Dorn A., Electron impact ionization as a fundamental few-body process and a tool to study molecular dynamics, XXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2023), Ottawa, Canada, 31st July 2023
  • Talk: Botek E., Pierrard V., Winant A., Recent advancements of a deep learning model to forecast the radiation belts electron fluxes at LEO with PROBA-V/EPT data, ESWW2023, Toulouse, France, 20-24 November 2023.
  • Invited Talk: Iva Ambrožová, Consequences of cosmic rays and solar UV radiation for the Earth's biosphere (in Czech), Days of Radiation Protection (https://indico.ujf.cas.cz/event/6/), Tábor, Czech Republic, November 6-10, 2023.
  • Talk: Marek Sommer, Jakub Šlegl, Iva Ambrožová, Jaroslav Šolc, Zdeněk Vykydal, Ondřej Ploc, Neutron detector for measuring cosmic rays and radiation phenomena during thunderstorms (in Czech), Days of Radiation Protection (https://indico.ujf.cas.cz/event/6/), Tábor, Czech Republic, November 6-10, 2023.
  • Invited talk: Pierrard V., E. Botek, A. Winant, Space radiation variations during Solar Energetic Particle events and geomagnetic storms in the framework of the Biosphere project, Astromeet, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 16-18 October 2023.
  • Talk: Iva Ambrožová: Metrology for Earth Biosphere: Cosmic Rays, Ultraviolet Radiation and Fragility of Ozone Shield, TEPA 2023 (http://crd.yerphi.am/TEPA_2023), Prague, Czech Republic, October 2-5, 2023.
  • Invited talk: Pierrard V., Acceleration of energetic solar particles, Mullard Space Science Laboratory seminar, England, 19-20 September 2023.
  • Poster: Gidarakou. M., et al., Aerosol, Temperature and Water Vapor profiling during the BIOSPHERE Athens Campaign (June-August 2023), 4th European Lidar Conference (ELC 2023), 13-15 September 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Invited talk: Pierrard V., Regularized Kappa distributions to model the solar wind electrons, Sigma Phi, Platanas, Greece, 10-14 July 2023.
  • Talk: Carlos Granja et al., Selective detection, ΔE/Δx spectrometry and particle tracking of protons, electrons, and muons with MiniPIX Timepix3 1×2 telescope with Si and CdTe sensors", IWORID conference, OSLO SCIENCE PARK, 25-29 June 2023.
  • Talk: Pierrard V., E. Botek, A. Winant, Space radiation variations during Solar Energetic Particle events and geomagnetic storms, RAD, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 19-23 June 2023.
  • Invited talk: Pierrard V., Acceleration of the solar wind, Solar Wind 16, Pacific Grove, USA, 12-16 June 2023
  • Talk: Marek Sommer, Characterization of novel neutron detector for measurements of secondary cosmic radiation, EURADOS Annual meeting 2023, WG11 meeting, Porto, Portugal, June 12-14, 2023.
  • Talk: F. Krasniqi, Environmental dosimetry and the development of new technologies for radiological emergency management, Conference on Radiation Topics: 25th Nuclear Medical Defense Conference, Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Munich, Germany, 8-11 May 2023.
  • Talk: F. Krasniqi, Metrology for Earth Biosphere: Cosmic Rays, Ultraviolet Radiation and Fragility of Ozone Shield, EURAMET TC-IR Annual Meeting 2023, CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain). (Download here).
  • Seminar: A. Winant, E. Botek, V. Pierrard, Simulations with the Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS ) in the frame of the EURAMET Biosphere project, University of Kiel, Germany, 25 April 2023 (invited by B. Heber).
  • Talk: F. Ferreira da Silva, Electron interactions with astrochemical relevant molecules. 2nd Conference of the COST Action CA20129 MultiChem, Czech Republic, 26-28 April 2023.
  • Talk: A. Z. Peka, V. Dr. Finta, L. Szűcs, Z. N. Szilágyi, Metrology for Earth Biosphere: Cosmic rays, ultraviolet radiation and fragility of ozone shield, 48th Annual Meeting on Radiation Protection, Gyula, Hungary, 18-20 April 2023.

  • Talk presentation at "Metrology for Climate Action" workshop, "Implications of cosmic rays and solar UV-radiation for Earth's biosphere", F. S. Krasniqi, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), September 2022. (Download here).
  • Poster presentation at "Metrology for Climate Action" workshop, "Implications of cosmic rays and solar UV-radiation for Earth's biosphere", F. S. Krasniqi, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), September 2022. (Download here).

© 2025 EURAMET’s EPM project BIOSPHERE