Overview of the Euramet Biosphere projectStudying the impact of extraterrestrial radiation on Earth's atmosphere

WP1: Characterization and adaption of instrumentation for determining the dependence of secondary cosmic rays (SCR) on primary cosmic rays (galactic cosmic rays, solar particle events) and atmospheric parameters (e.g., temperature, density and aerosol concentration). This instrumentation will measure the SCR flux rate in WP2, side-by-side with terrestrial solar UV spectrum and total atmospheric ozone, with the goal of correlating them.
For more information watch the video: Improving cosmic ray detectors for BIOSPHERE

WP2: Development of a metrological methodology to identify and quantify the relationship between cosmic radiation, UV radiation and anthropogenic emission. Traceable measurement of cosmic ray fluxes, UV radiation spectrum and ozone column will be carried out at 4 European sites.
For more information watch the video: Ensuring accurate measurements of extraterrestrial radiation

WP3: Quantification of molecular processes involving low-energy electrons that affect ozone depletion and atmospheric dynamics. For the first time, fundamental data on the interaction of low-energy electrons with atmospheric gases of both natural and anthropogenic origin will be provided. These include cross sections for ionization, dissociative electron attachment and fragmentation-ion production of atmospheric constituents (at least 4) such as N2, O2, NO, NO2, selected chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halogenated molecules (such as HCl, HF, HBr), SF6 as well as aromatic and nitrogenated molecules (such as pyridines whose cations facilitate aerosol formation) under electron impact with energies from < 10 eV – 2000 eV.
For more information watch the video: Studying collision of cosmic rays and atmospheric gases in the lab

WP4: Assessing the impact of combined SCR and UV irradiation on human health by determining the effect of mixed radiation fields on normal human cell lines. Three human cell lines (including primary cells) will be used: 1) Lung and primary skin fibroblasts, 2) Brain cerebral microvascular endothelial and normal epithelial cells and 3) Healthy blood monocytes. Correlations between radiation type and flux, and changes to cellular parameters (cell death, DNA damage and genomic instability, adhesion, and proliferation) will be established. In addition, the expression profile of stress genes will be determined using established radiation effect models and systems biology approaches.
For more information watch the video: How does radiation from space damage human cells?

WP5: Creating impact by disseminating and communicating results in conferences, courses and workshops. Different open databases and Good Practice Guides will be generated to share knowledge and data for different scientific communities : space physics, radiology, biology, ...
For more explanation watch the video: How do solar eruptions, UV and cosmic radiation impact life and the Earth?

WP6: Management and Coordination.


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